Saturday, April 2, 2011

Home Again...

So apparently nobody posted updates Thursday or yesterday. Oops! We are officially back at Converse and I write this as I am doing laundry from the trip! I think the week was a good experience for everyone--though I know I am exhausted and I would guess everyone else is too!

I think we have posted this, but this week we did a variety of jobs helping to get 10 houses ready for the Blitz Build. Blitz is an event Habitat Miami does every year where they complete 10 houses in 10 days. The houses are built to a certain point up until the Blitz then all finished during the Blitz. Suffice it to say, this was a crazy week!

Thursday was possibly the most grueling day on the job site for the group. I say that with the caveat that I sat in a chair most of the day. However, the rest of the group hauled and moved over 3200 (yup, as in over three THOUSAND) pieces of a variety of lumber. I was able to help some when we did assembly lines, but a majority of the work was moving the lumber to various locations between the 10 houses so that it was where it needed to be for Blitz. We started the day at 7:30am and I would hazzard a guess that by about 7:45am everyone was dripping with sweat. I think it seemed like there was never ending lumber everywhere by the end of the day!

Thursday night we had some fun to make up for the grueling day. A group of us met Carlos, the volunteer coordinator for Habitat, for food from the food trucks--a true Miami experience. BEST.FOOD.EVER. Seriously, amazing. Then we all headed out for a night of Spice in Hollywood, FL. I think the ladies had fun letting loose for a bit before the week was over.

Friday was a good day on the site. We did start out with Jason's April Fools...he told everyone we didn't have to work because there wasn't anything to do so we were heading to the beach. The light in everyone's eyes was hilarious...especially when he busted up laughing! We all did a variety of jobs--and several of the women were able to help with some roofing, which was exciting for them. A couple of us (Nicole, Skate, and I) spent some quality time with the table saw. And only a few people had to haul just a few more pieces of lumber.

We met some amazing people this week...both that work for Habitat and that are homeowners. We worked hard, and we touched peoples' lives (even if it wasn't seen in the immediate). I think everyone had a good time, even if we are a little sore, sun burnt, and exhausted. I know I enjoyed myself and would do it again in a heart beat!

The week truly was "A Labor of Love!"


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